Thursday Threads: RDF, Digital Document Tampering, and Amazon’s Mechanical Turk
Enter your email address to receive DLTJ Thursday Threads: Delivered by FeedBurner </form> </div> This is definitely becoming a habit...welco...
Enter your email address to receive DLTJ Thursday Threads: Delivered by FeedBurner </form> </div> This is definitely becoming a habit...welco...
The first production version of the Object Reuse and Exchange from the Open Archives Initiative was published today. In the words of the release announceme...
Carl Lagoze of Cornell University and Herbert Van de Sompel of Los Alamos National Laboratory announced the release of the beta form of the ORE specification...
I've been following the discussion by Stu Weibel on his blog about the relationship between Resource Description Framework (RDF) and Dublin Core Abstract Mod...
Richard Rodgers presented this talk based on the work of he and MacKenzie Smith in the Digital Library Research Group at MIT. The original abstract of the p...
Chris Wilper gave this presentation on behalf of the work that he and Aaron Birkland did to improve the performance of the Fedora Resource Index. Present...
One of the DRC developers had a question recently that sparked a discussion about what to do with collections of objects. In order to answer the question of...