Kuali Reboots Itself into a Commercial Entity
Did you feel a great disturbance in the open source force last week? At noon on Friday in a conference call with members of the Kuali community, the Kuali Foundation Board of Directors announced a change of direction:
We are pleased to share with you that the Kuali Foundation is …
Posted onand last updated August 25, 2014· 2 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Twitter Timeline Changes, Report on Future Library Technology, USB Security
Two weeks in a row! This week's DLTJ Thursday Threads looks at how Twitter changed its timeline functionality to include things that it thinks you'll find interesting. Next, for the academic libraries in the audience, is a report from the New Media Consortium on trends and technologies that will libraries …
Posted onand last updated August 21, 2014· 7 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Payment Card Security, Crap Detection, VoIP in your Hand
Welcome to the revival of DLTJ Thursday Threads. With the summer over and the feeling of renewal towards this blog and its topics, I'm happy to be back sharing tidbits of technology that I hope you will find interesting. Today's set of threads covers the gnarly security issues behind the …
Posted onand last updated August 14, 2014· 4 minutes reading time -
In Memory of Miss Rebecca Alison Meyer #663399Becca
On Saturday, at six years, eleven and a half hours old, Rebecca Meyer -- a spark of joy to her parents, siblings, friends, and people she never met -- died as a tumor in her brain snuffed out her spark. I learned from Jeffrey Zeldman of Matt Robin's idea to honor her …
Posted onand last updated June 12, 2014· 1 minutes reading time -
Call for Papers: 2nd Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE2)
This is related to the Supporting Cultural Heritage Open Source Software (SCHOSS) Symposium last month. More on that topic in June. I am serving on the program committee for the WSSSPE2 conference.
Progress in scientific research is dependent on the quality and accessibility of software at all levels and it …
Posted onand last updated June 01, 2014· 3 minutes reading time -
Rocks and Roles
Rebecca has rocks in her head and they are not coming out. This will not be a post on library technology.
Rebecca is the five-year-old daughter of Kat and Eric, friends in Cleveland that I met while I worked at Case Western Reserve University. This week Kat and Eric told …Posted onand last updated April 06, 2014· 1 minutes reading time -
Collector of Code4Lib Conference Tweets Now Turned On
As I did last year, I've set up Martin Hawksey's Twitter Archiving Google Spreadsheet (TAGS) to cover this year's Code4Lib conference twitter hashtag. This is a really neat tool that comes with its own dashboard, links to various visualizations, and access to the complete archive so you can make up …
Posted onand last updated March 18, 2014 -
Memento: An RFC and a Chrome Plugin
A belated congratulations to the Memento team on the publication of their RFC and Google Chrome plugin for the Memento WWW time travel protocol. A fan of the Internet Archive Wayback Machine? Ever look at the history of a Wikipedia page? Curious to know about changes to a particular web …
Posted onand last updated March 10, 2014· 3 minutes reading time -
Mystery in the Library
A colleague e-mailed me the other day expressing appreciation for the DLTJ blog in part, and also describing a mystery that she is running in her library:
[caption id="attachment_6639" align="alignright" width="225"]
Adrian (MN) Police Chief Shawn Langseth gathering evidence in the library "crime".[/caption]Because I am …
Posted onand last updated March 09, 2014· 1 minutes reading time -
Join the Community: Open Source is Nothing Without You
During the American Library Association meeting in Chicago in 2013 I gave an "ignite" talk on open source software in libraries. (The "ignite talk" format, if you're not familiar, is one in which "each speaker is allocated five minutes of presentation time and is accompanied by 20 presentation slides. During …
Posted onand last updated January 04, 2014· 1 minutes reading time -
Implemented Open Source in your Library? Get Paid to Write a Case Study
Share your story of implementing an open source system at your library. If selected, you will get paid to develop a case study of your open source system adoption experience and learning.
LYRASIS, in partnership with the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, is seeking academic and public libraries to share their …
Posted onand last updated December 17, 2013 -
Archive and Visualization of LITA Forum Tweets
Using Google Spreadsheets, the Twitter API, and the TAGS document template from Martin Hawksey, I've set up an archive of tweets with the hashtag #LITAForum.
Martin has also created a couple of visualizations of tweets based on the archive:
The archive is updated automatically every 5 …
Posted onand last updated November 09, 2013 -
On questions regarding ISO/DIS 18626, Information and documentation — Interlibrary Loan Transactions
There is a ballot under consideration within the ISO TC 46/SC 4 on InterLibraryLoan Transactions. The ballot description is:
This International Standard specifies the transactions between libraries or libraries and other agencies to handle requests for library items and following exchange of messages. This standard is intended to at …
Posted onand last updated November 09, 2013· 5 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Password Managers, DRM coming to the Browser, Personal Data Brokers
It is a security/privacy edition of DLTJ Thursday Threads this week. First a link to a 3-page PDF that talks about the use of password managers to keep all of your internet passwords unique and strong. Next a story about how the W3C standards body is looking at standardizing …
Posted onand last updated October 10, 2013· 5 minutes reading time -
Local and Unique and Digital: A Evolving Trend for Libraries and Cultural Heritage Institutions
These are slides and audio from presentation given at the LOUIS Users Group meeting, on October 4, 2013, in Baton Rouge, LA. The description of the talk was:
Libraries have been digitizing materials for decades as surrogates for access to physical materials, and in doing so have broadened the range …
Posted onand last updated October 10, 2013· 1 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Windows XP end-of-life, Maturing open source models, Trashcans that track you
Three groups of stories in this long-in-coming DLTJ Thursday Threads. First, we look at the pent-up risks of running Windows XP systems given that support for that operating system is scheduled to end in April 2014. Second, a pair of articles that look at the ups and downs of open …
Posted onand last updated September 26, 2013· 7 minutes reading time -
Make Plans to Attend the ResourceSync Post-Conference Tutorial at LITA Forum
As you are planning your trip to the 2013 LITA Forum in Louisville in mid-November, plan to stay a few hours longer to attend the ResourceSync Tutorial happening after the close of the main conference on Sunday. Herbert van de Sompel will lead this 3-hour session where attendees can learn …
Posted onand last updated August 21, 2013· 1 minutes reading time -
Interoperability and Its Role In Standardization, Plus A ResourceSync Overview: Slidecast from ALA2013
At the American Library Association meeting in Chicago last month I gave a 20 minute presentation that was a combination of an overview of interoperability and standards plus a brief overview of the ResourceSync activity for the NISO Update session. Included below are my slides with a synchronized audio track …
Posted onand last updated July 20, 2013 -
Host Your Own Virtual Lightning Talks Using Google Hangout -- Slides and Links from ALA2013 Presentation
In the "very meta" category, this morning I gave a lightning talk about lightning talks to a crowd of about 150 at the LITA Lightning Talks session. More specifically, it was a brief presentation on how Code4Lib uses Google Hangouts-on-Air for its Virtual Lightning Talks. The slides and links from …
Posted onand last updated March 03, 2020 -
LYRASIS' "Reposervice" Setup Pushed to GitHub
Earlier this month published 'reposervice' to GitHub. Reposervice is a "self-contained" Islandora installation source tree that is intended to smooth the LYRASIS deployment of repository services between development servers, a staging server and production servers. It is a bit of a work-in-progress at the moment, but others might find it …
Posted onand last updated June 19, 2013· 2 minutes reading time