Mystery in the Library
A colleague e-mailed me the other day expressing appreciation for the DLTJ blog in part, and also describing a mystery that she is running in her library:
[caption id="attachment_6639" align="alignright" width="225"]
Adrian (MN) Police Chief Shawn Langseth gathering evidence in the library "crime".[/caption]Because I am staring out the window, at yet another snow-storm-in-the-works, having just learned that school is called off AGAIN (waiting for the library urchins to pour in), I am trying to get caught up on life outside of a small prairie town.
To combat some serious winter blues (and who doesn't have them this year?), we have decided to have a just-for-fun "crime spree" at our library. Thus far, the local Chief of Police has no leads (he has graciously agreed to participate and has been kept in the dark as to the identities of the perpetrators). We decided that having a crime spree might be a more interesting way to get people to talk about the library.
If you find yourself looking for something to take your mind off the weather, feel free to take a look at our crime spree:
Take a look at the posts created by Meredith Vaselaar, Librarian at the Adrian Branch Library. She even does have the police chief involved with the story. The articles are posted on Blogspot and in the local newspaper. This sounds like a great way to bring the community into the local branch. Congratulations, Meredith! I'll be watching from afar to see how this turns out.