Integration announced for DPubS (e-journal publishing system) and FEDORA (digital object repository)
The August 2006 edition of "The DPubS Report" produced by Cornell University Libraries for the DPubS community announced work underway at the Penn State to bridge the worlds of DPubS and FEDORA. Here is the line from the newsletter:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT …
Posted onand last updated August 08, 2006 -
DLTJ page rendering updated (sorry Bloglines users)
Overnight I made several changes to the layout and rendering of pages on DLTJ -- both in its web presentation and in its RSS presentation. The changes were really driven by the fact that my tags were not getting picked up in Technorati because the Wordpress UltimateTagWarrior plugin was not including …
Posted onand last updated August 03, 2006· 2 minutes reading time -
Just In Time Acquisitions versus Just In Case Acquisitions
What of a service existed where the patrons selected an item they needed out of our library catalog and that item was delivered to the patron even when the library did not yet own the item? Would that be useful? With the growth of online bookstores, our users do have …
Posted onand last updated August 02, 2006· 7 minutes reading time -
Can Google be Out-Googled?
I have been heard to remark to other librarians on occasion a comment along the lines of "Don't fear Google; Don't Chase Google; Let's Out-Google Google!" After allowing the confused stare linger for a moment or the hysterical laughter die down, I explain my thesis: we have something Google doesn't …
Posted onand last updated July 30, 2006· 8 minutes reading time -
Open Source Software: Should You Bet Your Career On It?
By Stephen R. Acker, The Ohio State University, and Peter E. Murray, OhioLINK; republished here from the Campus Technology SmartClassroom Newsletter under rights retained by the authors.At any point in time, there is a college IT director trying to determine whether to upgrade, migrate away from, or stay the …
Posted onand last updated July 25, 2006· 16 minutes reading time -
Representing Collections In FEDORA
One of the DRC developers had a question recently that sparked a discussion about what to do with collections of objects. In order to answer the question of how to represent the notion of a collection within the repository, we're going to have to get pretty heavy into RDF: the …
Posted onand last updated July 25, 2006· 5 minutes reading time -
Access Management and Provisioning Technology
Building on the shoulders of others -- isn't that how that quote goes? There has been a stack of printouts on my desk for a while now for various access management and service provisioning technologies. Rather than keep the paper, I'm putting the list here so I know how to get …
Posted onand last updated July 18, 2006· 2 minutes reading time -
Buzzwords Galore and Bandwidth that May Rival Your Stationwagon
At the recent LITA Top Technology Trends gathering, Clifford Lynch spoke of an advanced network emerging from Internet2 that is built as a hybrid between optical-switched and packet-switched networks. Today's Internet2 Newsletter has a description of the activities, excerpted below
Internet2 and Level 3 to Deploy Next Generation Nationwide Research …
Posted onand last updated July 17, 2006· 4 minutes reading time -
Appreciating our Heritage while Embracing a Future
Tom Wilson, LITA past president and all-around insightful LITA Top Technology Trendster, posted a commentary to the "Where have all the programmers gone?" post that deserves top billing
For those that have not yet encountered this idiom, "top billing" is a motion picture industry term that refers to actors whose … Posted onand last updated July 13, 2006· 4 minutes reading time -
Automated Faceted Analysis In Google?
Has anyone else started seeing what looks to be faceted topical headings at the top of Google searches? This past weekend I was the groomsman at my brother's wedding and had the unfortunate timing to catch a case of conjunctivitis in both eyes the day before the ceremony. ("Does your …
Posted onand last updated July 11, 2006· 1 minutes reading time -
Heads up! International Conference on Open Repositories (01/23/07 - 01/27/07, San Antonio, TX, US)
Open Repositories 2007 is coming up next year, and it looks to be an interesting meeting. The first day is open user group meetings for DSpace, Fedora, and Eprints, followed by general conference sessions that cover issues that cut across all of the open repository systems. This year, the user …
Posted onand last updated July 04, 2006· 1 minutes reading time -
Electronic Resource Management Systems in Consortial Environments
This is a summary of the discussion of the LITA Library Consortia / Automated Systems Interest Group meeting on Monday morning of the ALA Annual Convention in New Orleans. The meeting consisted of a managed discussion of the use of Electronic Resource Management (ERM) systems in consortial environments. In some cases …
Posted onand last updated June 26, 2006· 5 minutes reading time -
It's All About User Services: A Summary and Commentary on the LITA Top Technology Trends meeting
What follows is a summary and commentary on the LITA Top Technology Trends meeting at ALA annual conference in New Orleans on 25-Jun-2006. What I've tried to do is collate comments from the panel members and add my own commentary (marked off as such from the rest of the summary …
Posted onand last updated June 26, 2006· 8 minutes reading time -
"Identifiers Roundup" — LITA Standards Interest Group in conjunction with NISO
This is a report of the presentations from the LITA Standards Interest Group at the ALA Annual Conference, 24-Jul-2006, in New Orleans. Pat Stevens, interim director of NISO, moderated the panel discussion.
ISSN Regina Reynolds, Library of Congress (U.S. ISSN Center)
There are 80 ISSN centers worldwide with …
Posted onand last updated June 25, 2006· 8 minutes reading time -
Minutes of the ALA/LITA JPEG2000 for Libraries and Archives interest group meeting
Attending: M. Anderson, U of Iowa; A. Laas, LexisNexis; Y. Han, U of Arizona; P. Howell, Western Michigan University; Y. Kaganovia, Princeton U; P. Murray, OhioLINK; K. Thompson, Smithsonian Libraries
Participants talked about their interest in JPEG2000 and their institution's use of the standard: Western Michgan University is digitizing manuscripts …
Posted onand last updated June 24, 2006· 1 minutes reading time -
Authentication and Access in a Metasearch Environment
Mike Teets of OCLC and I teamed up to write an article on Metasearch Authentication and Access Management for this month's D-Lib Magazine. The first part of the article is a bit of a primer on access management techniques followed by a survey and analysis of access management schemes in …
Posted onand last updated June 24, 2006· 1 minutes reading time -
OhioLINK is seeking to fill a Systems Engineer position. Interested?
OhioLINK is seeking candidates to fill a newly-created position: Systems Engineer – Access Manager. This position will work with other OhioLINK staff in providing support of daily operations and will serve a primary role as Access Manager. As Access Manager, this position will support users who are experiencing access issues to …
Posted onand last updated June 23, 2006· 1 minutes reading time -
Minutes of the FEDORA Workflow Working Group meeting of 18-Jun-2006
Please note -- this is a copy of the FEDORA Workflow Working Group minutes from the FEDORA Wiki. It is being posted here in order to get it into the blogosphere at the right places. Please make comments on the FEDORA Wiki "talk" page rather than on this posting.FEDORA Workflow …
Posted onand last updated June 21, 2006· 6 minutes reading time -
Disruption in Publishing
Last week's Chronicle of Higher Education Review had an opinion piece by Kate Wittenberg, director of EPIC (Electronic Publishing Initiative at Columbia) with the title "Beyond Google: What Next for Publishing?" (subscription required). An excerpt from the beginning:
While we have been busy attending conferences, workshops, and seminars on every …
Posted onand last updated June 20, 2006· 1 minutes reading time -
"Is the Writing On The Wall?" — Take 2
Walt Crawford chided me — rightly so — for yesterday's Is the Writing on the Wall for the Integrated Library System? post. My choice of language was, admittedly, sloppy. I was fired up last night...distracted, if you will, by what was happening at a really good conference. Please allow me the …
Posted onand last updated June 15, 2006· 2 minutes reading time