Taking a Day's Break from SOA
No Service Oriented Architecture posting today, but here is a glimpse of the topic of the next one -- the title is: "Web Services: A means to a Service Oriented Architecture end." In the meantime I wanted to thank everyone for their public and private comments, and to ask to keep …
Posted onand last updated September 21, 2006· 1 minutes reading time -
The Dis-integration of the ILS into a SOA Environment
This is part three of a continuing series on the application of the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) design pattern to library systems. In the first part, the SOA concept was compared to a transportation network and the basic foundation for defining SOA was set down. The second part described what …
Posted onand last updated September 21, 2006· 9 minutes reading time -
Services in a Service Oriented Architecture
This post is the second in a series about the application of the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) system design pattern to library services. The first post in this series focused on defining "Service Oriented Architecture" using the analogy of a transportation network. This post goes into some detail about what …
Posted onand last updated September 20, 2006· 10 minutes reading time -
Defining "Service Oriented Architecture" by Analogy
This post is the first in a series over the next few days that in total will attempt to lay the groundwork for a discussion of applying the Service Oriented Architecture (or SOA) software design pattern to systems and solutions in the library space. It starts with comparing the SOA …
Posted onand last updated September 19, 2006· 4 minutes reading time -
Why FEDORA? Answers to the FEDORA Users Interview Survey
The Fedora Outreach and Communications team is conducting a survey of the high-level sense of passion and commitment inherent in the Fedora community. I've posted some answers back to the FEDORA wiki on behalf of OhioLINK, and am also including the responses here as it fits into the "Why FEDORA …
Posted onand last updated September 15, 2006· 3 minutes reading time -
Ohio Digital Commons for Education Conference Announcement
Where can faculty, administrators, librarians and technology gurus all meet to discuss learning, libraries, technology and the convergence of these activities? At the Ohio Digital Commons for Education 2007 – The Convergence of Learning, Libraries and Technology Conference, of course!
Be a part of ODCE 2007! The Ohio Digital Commons for …
Posted onand last updated September 12, 2006· 1 minutes reading time -
Possible Resolution to Technorati Update Problem
Up until about an hour ago, Technorati refused to update its database of postings to DLTJ, and having reached the 31-day point of no updates I was starting to wonder what to do about it. I came up with two theories for which I put in fixes to the configuration …
Posted onand last updated September 12, 2006· 3 minutes reading time -
OpenLDAP with a Go Daddy "Turbo SSL Secure Certificate"
Okay -- this seemed like a lot harder than it should have been. At the very least, it took piecing together information from a number of places in order to make it happen. The goal is to use a Go Daddy Turbo SSL Secure Certificate (the $19.95/year one) to …
Posted onand last updated September 09, 2006· 7 minutes reading time -
Google News Archive Search — Where Are the Links to Content from Libraries?
Extra! Extra! Read All About It! "Explore History as it Happened: Google News Now Has Archive Search" Extra! Extra!
In my imagination I can see and hear the herald of the newspaper carrier on the street corner barking out this call. Except, Kids These Days would probably decry the use …
Posted onand last updated September 07, 2006· 6 minutes reading time -
Best Practice Proposal for a DESCRIPTION Datastream
OhioLINK is deep in the process of migrating content from our old Bulldog/Documentum-based system to, well, something else, and we've been talking about the treatment of the metadata in the course of the migration. I think it is safe to say that the Bulldog asset management system (and Documentum …
Posted onand last updated September 06, 2006· 4 minutes reading time -
Script for Testing HTTP Referer Headers
I've just had the third occasion where in support of a user I suspect that user has a piece of software which is blocking or modifying the HTTP "referrer" header that comes normally with most interactions between a web browser and a web server. Rather than asking that user to …
Posted onand last updated January 15, 2018· 15 minutes reading time -
XTF and FEDORA — Comments from the Community
Some questions and observations that have come in through mechanisms other than blog comments on the analysis of the XTF/FEDORA integration. I've reproduced those here for the sake of completeness, but also be sure to go back to the first two entries in this series to read the comments …
Posted onand last updated August 23, 2006· 2 minutes reading time -
Modifications to FreePress Recent Comments Plugin
For others that may find it useful, I've made two modifications to the FreePress Recent Coments plugin on DLTJ: one to strip out quoted material when using the Quoter plugin and a second to suppress pingback entries that result from links to material within the blog.
Code from the first …
Posted onand last updated August 23, 2006· 2 minutes reading time -
Analysis of CDL's XTF textIndexer to Replace the Local Files with FEDORA Objects
This is a continuation of the investigation about integrating the California Digital Library's XTF software into the FEDORA digital object repository that started earlier. This analysis looks at the textIndexer module in particular, starting with an overview of how textIndexer works now with filesystem-based objects and ending with an outline …
Posted onand last updated August 22, 2006· 5 minutes reading time -
CDL's XTF as a Front End to Fedora
We're experimenting pretty heavily now with the California Digital Library's XTF framework as a front-end to a FEDORA object repository. Initial efforts look promising -- thanks go out to Brian Tingle and Kirk Hastings of CDL; Jeff Cousens, Steve DiDomenico, and Bill Parod from Northwestern; and Ross Wayland from UVa …
Posted onand last updated August 22, 2006· 4 minutes reading time -
A Known Citation Discovery Tool in a Library2.0 World
When it comes to seeking a full-text copy of that known-item citation, are our users asking "what have you done for me lately?" OpenURL has taken us pretty far when one starts in an online environment -- a link that sends the citation elements to our favorite link resolver -- but it …
Posted onand last updated August 15, 2006· 4 minutes reading time -
DLTJ under a New Theme
Okay -- let's try this again. The first time around didn't go so well, so I went back to the basics and started with a new theme: what is running on DLTJ now is a modestly modified version of Barthelme version 1.2.2 by Scott Allan Wallick. The modifications include …
Posted onand last updated August 14, 2006· 11 minutes reading time -
Integration announced for DPubS (e-journal publishing system) and FEDORA (digital object repository)
The August 2006 edition of "The DPubS Report" produced by Cornell University Libraries for the DPubS community announced work underway at the Penn State to bridge the worlds of DPubS and FEDORA. Here is the line from the newsletter:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT …
Posted onand last updated August 08, 2006 -
DLTJ page rendering updated (sorry Bloglines users)
Overnight I made several changes to the layout and rendering of pages on DLTJ -- both in its web presentation and in its RSS presentation. The changes were really driven by the fact that my tags were not getting picked up in Technorati because the Wordpress UltimateTagWarrior plugin was not including …
Posted onand last updated August 03, 2006· 2 minutes reading time -
Just In Time Acquisitions versus Just In Case Acquisitions
What of a service existed where the patrons selected an item they needed out of our library catalog and that item was delivered to the patron even when the library did not yet own the item? Would that be useful? With the growth of online bookstores, our users do have …
Posted onand last updated August 02, 2006· 7 minutes reading time