Beyond Federated Search Redux
It started with a post by Carl Grant on the Federated Search Blog: Beyond Federated Search – Winning the Battle and Losing the War?. I bookmarked this in Delicious and copied this extended quote from the text into the bookmark:
I’ve long argued that librarianship on top of digital information …
Posted onand last updated April 01, 2009· 7 minutes reading time -
Audio Added to the New Directions for Discovering Information Presentation
Despite the problems I'm having with the slidecast function of SlideShare, I've gotten the results "good enough" to post. You can see and listen to the presentation on the SlideShare site or do the same in the embedded version below.
[caption id="attachment_781" align="aligncenter" width="606" caption="Slides from …
Posted onand last updated March 31, 2009 -
Open Library Environment Project Picks Up the Pace
Participants in the design phase of the OLE Project met in Lawrence, Kansas, earlier this month for a week-long work session. Coming out of the session are several documents that form the foundational elements of the report to be published and delivered to Mellon in July. Interested parties are invited …
Posted onand last updated March 30, 2009· 1 minutes reading time -
Survey Responses Sought from the OCLC Review Board on Shared Data Creation and Stewardship
The OCLC Review Board on Shared Data Creation and Stewardship is conducting a survey to gather opinions on OCLC's proposed Policy for Use and Transfer of WorldCat Records. The survey is 6 pages long and took me about 20 minutes. After the demographic information, the survey asks about your organization's …
Posted onand last updated March 27, 2009· 3 minutes reading time -
New Directions for Discovering Information
I had the pleasure of presenting at the 2009 meeting of the Ohio Higher Education Computing Council (OHECC) on OhioLINK's plans for a new discovery layer. Included below is a web version of the presentation slides and links to more information.
I also attempted to record the audio from the …Posted onand last updated March 26, 2009 -
FulfILLment from Equinox Selected for Statewide Resource Sharing System
This is an announcement posted by the State Library of Ohio regarding the selection of FulfILLment from Equinox for a statewide resource sharing system.
The State Library of Ohio is pleased to announce Equinox Software Inc. has been …
Posted onand last updated March 20, 2009· 1 minutes reading time -
On How Physical and Electronic Differ for Library Materials
I'm reading the notes from the Atlanta OLE Project regional workshop and right up at the top are these two statements that struck me as insightful. The first gets to the heart of how physical items in a library are different from digital items with respect to library service commitments …
Posted onand last updated March 12, 2009· 1 minutes reading time -
Anatomy of the Zotero Library to RSS Feed Pipe
Note! A new feature on the Zotero website does away with the need to use this Yahoo! Pipe. RSS feeds are now generated by the Zotero website itself. Read more about it on the Zotero blog.Last week I posted about a Yahoo Pipes construct that turns a Zotero website …
Posted onand last updated March 06, 2009· 6 minutes reading time -
Can We Outsource the Preservation of Digital Bits?
A colleague forwarded an article from The Register with news of a new service from Iron Mountain for Cloud-Based File Archiving. It is billed as a "storage archiving service designed to help companies reduce costs of storing and managing static data files." My place of work is facing an increasing …
Posted onand last updated March 05, 2009· 2 minutes reading time -
Zotero Library to RSS Feed
Note! A new feature on the Zotero website does away with the need to use this Yahoo! Pipe. RSS feeds are now generated by the Zotero website itself. Read more about it on the Zotero blog.Earlier this week, the Zotero team released its 1.5 Beta version. Among the …
Posted onand last updated February 28, 2009· 2 minutes reading time -
What Does the Google Book Settlement Mean for the Online Book Market?
The blog post title is a serious question -- it is one that I need some help figuring out: What Does the Google Book Settlement Mean for the Online Book Market? There have been stories and speculation about how Google is going to turn the settlement for the class-action lawsuit against …
Posted onand last updated February 24, 2009· 3 minutes reading time -
Durham Statement on Open Access to Legal Scholarship
Earlier this month a group of law schools released a statement promoting open access publishing of law school journals. Called the Durham Statement on Open Access to Legal Scholarship, it was signed by representatives from Duke, University of Virginia, Georgetown University, University of Pennsylvania, Cornell University, Yale University, Stanford University …
Posted onand last updated February 23, 2009· 1 minutes reading time -
ARL Statement to Scholarly Publishers on the Global Economic Crisis
ARL issued a statement today on the impacts of the global economic crisis on library budgets and the corresponding effect on subscriptions and purchasing patterns. The statement backs up a similar release by ICOLC last month.
The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) has released a statement on the current global …
Posted onand last updated February 19, 2009· 3 minutes reading time -
H.R.801 Threatens Open Access Requirement for Gov't Funded Research
The Alliance for Taxpayer Access called out the introduction of proposed legislation that would prohibit the federal government from requiring publication of federally-funded research under open access terms. This would not only reverse the NIH Public Access Policy but would also stop other federal agencies from following a similar course …
Posted onand last updated February 16, 2009· 7 minutes reading time -
Unconference Experiment at ALA Annual 2009
The latest edition of American Libraries Direct published today has a story about an unconference that precedes the ALA Annual conference in Chicago this July:
Are you interested in attending a conference program where you have a hand in determining the topics discussed? Have you always wondered what really goes …
Posted onand last updated February 12, 2009 -
OCLC Review Board's Blog
There is a new page in the Record Use Policy area on the OCLC website with an invitation from Jennifer Younger, chair of the Review Board, inviting members of the community to send e-mail to reviewboard@oclc.org or to post public comments on the Review Board Online Feedback Forum …
Posted onand last updated February 10, 2009· 2 minutes reading time -
Members of the OCLC Review Board Announced
OCLC announced late yesterday the members of the review board. In addition, they announced the establishment of an e-mail address for communicating with the review board (reviewboard@oclc.org).
Members of the Review Board of Shared Data Creation and Stewardship are:
- Christopher Cole (FEDLINK): Associate Director for Technical Services, National …
Posted onand last updated February 08, 2009· 2 minutes reading time -
Administrative Note -- Feeds Moved on FeedBurner
DLTJ uses the FeedBurner service to enhance its syndication feeds and gather statistics on readers. Several years ago, Google acquired FeedBurner and recently has begun the process of
forcing-- errr -- integrating users to the Google account structure. I completed the process, but it isn't entirely clear that it took hold …Posted onand last updated February 03, 2009 -
On the Role of WorldCat and -Please- Open Up the Discussion
Nearly a week after it was posted, I came across a posting by Karen Calhoun of OCLC summarizing her impressions of the ALCTS Forum at Midwinter. I thought I had been closely watching the dialog around the policy, so I was surprised when I came across it. That makes me …
Posted onand last updated February 02, 2009· 3 minutes reading time -
ICOLC Issues Statement on the Global Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Consortial Licenses
On Monday, January 19th, the International Coalition of Library Consortia (ICOLC) issued a statement on the impact of the global economic crisis on libraries, with a particular focus on library consortia.
Written on behalf of the many library consortia across the world that participate in the ICOLC, this statement has …
Posted onand last updated February 01, 2009· 2 minutes reading time