Some Navel-Gazing: A Meta-Post about DLTJ
I usually don't post about the act of blogging itself (I wonder how many middle-aged blogs have a similar post), but the confluence of a couple of things caused me to look at DLTJ with a critical and curious eye. The first was the work by David Pattern in Measuring …
Posted on· 4 minutes reading time -
Administrative Note -- Feeds Moved on FeedBurner
DLTJ uses the FeedBurner service to enhance its syndication feeds and gather statistics on readers. Several years ago, Google acquired FeedBurner and recently has begun the process of
forcing-- errr -- integrating users to the Google account structure. I completed the process, but it isn't entirely clear that it took hold …Posted on -
Consolidating Travel Details with TripIt
I'm sitting in the Denver airport (and quite pleased to have remembered my note to myself about tunneling through ad-laden interception proxy) with lots to think and blog about after this year's Midwinter meeting. It was a very productive meeting, but I am still in "travel mode" so I thought …
Posted on· 1 minutes reading time -
Midwinter Travel Tip: Flying United? Checking Luggage? Save $3!
United Airlines, along with many other carriers, has instituted a policy of charging for checked luggage. For United, the first bag is $15 and subsequent bags are $25 each. If you check-in for your flight online between now and January 31st, however, you can save $3
on eachthe first …Posted on· 1 minutes reading time -
Central Ohio E-Waste Drop-off Locations
As part of our winter holiday activities, our family has been busily clearing out the basement to set up a play area for the kids. In doing so, we created a stack of old electronics -- monitors, printers, stereo receivers, and such -- that are of questionable working condition and worth. In …
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What Makes Google Tick? A Pointer to an Analysis
Why does Google do what it does? A report by the faberNovel management consulting firm describes Google's "key success factors" and how it goes about achieving them. The report talks about "Google as platform" and goes on to describe how it makes money serving the network effects of that platform …
Posted on· 2 minutes reading time -
Clay Shirky on the Need for Better Information Filters
Last month, Clay Shirky gave a presentation with the title "It's Not Information Overload. It's Filter Failure" at the Web 2.0 Expo. ((Web 2.0 Expo, co-produced by TechWeb and O'Reilly Media, "is a global annual gathering of technical, design, marketing, and business professionals who are building the next …
Posted on· 3 minutes reading time -
The Jester Joins Twitter
It was only a few months ago that I was teasing Dan Chudnov for joining Twitter. Now I've gone and done it myself. I don't expect to be using it much, but after observing the "Falls Church, VA" incident yesterday, I thought it would be an useful tool to have …
Posted on· 3 minutes reading time -
DLTJ Updated to WordPress 2.5
Unlike previous upgrades, this left some functionality broken -- notably some of the links in the second block under the "about" heading to the left (if you are reading this from http://dltj.org/ itself). But, you know what? -- it's Friday afternoon and all of the important bits are working. I …
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SSL for WordPress Admin and the Problem with XMLHttpRequest
Note! The updates to SSL handling in WordPress version 2.6 handle the problem of SSL-encrypted admin sessions in a much less hackish sort of way. It doesn't make any sense to use this plugin with WordPress version 2.6 when you can simply adddefine(’FORCE_SSL_ADMIN’, true);
to your …Posted on· 3 minutes reading time -
DLTJ the Target of Real Dead-Tree Junk Mail
Dorothea Salo started a conversation late last year that was picked up by Walt Crawford and others about receiving unsolicited "PR spam" with the expectation that the content of the message will be blogged about. In a related matter, I got my first example today of someone scraping DLTJ to …
Posted on· 1 minutes reading time -
DLTJ Updated, Readers Yawn
At least I hope that is the correct headline. I've been having some problems with this installation of WordPress lately -- in particular, I could no longer activate or deactivate plugins -- and the only solution offered in the WordPress codex was to start with a fresh installation of WordPress. Now you …
Posted on· 2 minutes reading time -
Pointless E-mail Disclaimers
I've been collecting disclaimers that appear on the bottom of e-mail messages in a draft post on DLTJ for about a year now -- every time I'd get a new one with a different twist, I'd save it anticipating the day would come that there would be enough humor here to …
Posted onand last updated August 10, 2022· 12 minutes reading time -
Feeling the Holiday Spirit? Check With Your Lawyers To See if it is Okay
You may have given away your right to feel the holiday spirit via some click-through license dreamed up by an over-exuberant lawyer. Don't believe me? Anything is possible in the world of contracts; read on...
An in-law sent me a flash animation card from a site called "Elf Yourself" (tm …Posted on· 3 minutes reading time -
NISO IR Presentation: "The Third Wave of Library Information Stewardship"
On Monday, I had the honor and pleasure of speaking at the NISO workshop "Getting the Most Out of Your Institutional Repository" on the topic of The Third Wave of Library Information Stewardship. The presentation abstract was:
[Academic] Libraries are gearing up for the third wave of information under our …
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DLTJ now Running on WordPress 2.3
Last night DLTJ was upgraded to WordPress 2.3. As far as I can tell, everything is working okay, but please let me know in the comments or the comment form if something doesn't seem right. There were two tricky parts to the upgrade. (Well, three really, if you count …
Posted on· 2 minutes reading time -
Call for Participation in Meredith Wolfwater's Biblioblogosphere Survey
Meredith Farkas is conducting a survey of those in the library and information science profession who blog:
After two years [since completing the first Survey of the Biblioblogosphere], it doesn’t take a survey to see that the library blogosphere has changed a great deal. So many people now are …
Posted on· 1 minutes reading time -
DLTJ now uses reCAPTCHA on comment forms. reCAPTCHA is an enhanced version of CAPTCHA (an acronym for "completely automated public Turing test to tell computers and humans apart") and like the original it is a type of challenge-response test used to determine whether there is a human user at the …
Posted on· 3 minutes reading time -
Where Do I Fit? Pew Thinks I'm a "Connector"
So here is my role on the internet — a Connector: "Connectors combine a sense that information technology is good for social purposes with a clear recognition that online resources are a great way to learn new things." That definition comes from the Typology of Information and Communication Technology Users by …
Posted on· 3 minutes reading time