Call for Participation in Meredith Wolfwater's Biblioblogosphere Survey

Meredith Farkas is conducting a survey of those in the library and information science profession who blog:

After two years [since completing the first Survey of the Biblioblogosphere], it doesn’t take a survey to see that the library blogosphere has changed a great deal. So many people now are blogging who would never have considered it two years ago. While I felt like I knew of most of the library blogs out there in 2005, I know that I probably barely know 1/10 of them today. Something that was once seen as incredibly risky to do (and still is depending on how you approach it) is now thought of as a way to make a name for yourself in the profession. The number of libraries that are blogging has exploded as well. All of these changes have made me very curious about what we’d find today if we did the Survey of the Biblioblogosphere.

I don't know how much uniqueness there is in my readership over Meredith's broad appeal, but if this is the first time you've heard of the Biblioblogosphere Survey and you blog about a topic in the library and/or information science arena, I encourage you to read her posting and take the survey.