SOLINET's Collective Vision of the Future of Libraries

Library Journal reports on the results of discussions among SOLINET ((SOLINET is the Southeastern Library Network, Inc. -- a not-for-profit multi-type library cooperative serving the Southeastern United States and the Caribbean.)) members to envision what their library of the future will be. The summary is available as a PDF document as are the instruments used to generate the discussion. The report is two pages of executive summary, four pages of compact overviews of the major areas of focus, and four pages of recommendations for the SOLINET organization.

The very broad areas of focus in the report are: new service models for libraries, the changing role of collections, transforming staff skills and workflows, re-purposing building space, assessment of user needs and library performance, and "keeping up with and in control of technology." Collectively, the SOLINET members are asking it to help member libraries by being an agent for efficiencies in library staffing and technical infrastructure, helping library strengthen their programs and staff, and provide cooperative access to products and services with a special focus on digital library collection and service development in the these three areas.

It is a great report that succinctly summarizes the direction of libraries and where library consortia can play a role in supporting its members.