10 Great Reasons to Attend ODCE 2008

by  Peter E. Murray  ·   Posted on 
 ·  3 minutes reading time

Still deciding whether to attend the Ohio Digital Commons for Education 2008 Conference – The Convergence of Learning, Libraries and Technology? Here are 10 great reasons to register today.

  1. Meet, connect and share success stories with colleagues from across Ohio. ODCE 2008 will provide endless opportunities to talk with 300+ faculty, librarians, administrators, IT gurus and others facing the exact same challenges you do.
  2. Get ideas, practical knowledge and tools you can use on your campus right away. With its focus on teaching and learning, student success, moving Ohio forward, and transforming technologies, you'll leave ODCE 2008 with many new ideas and best practices to try.
  3. Find out about the future of Ohio higher education. Learn more about The University System of Ohio and its master plan from Chancellor Eric Fingerhut on Monday, March 3. Go to the Ohio Education Panel on Tuesday and hear a range of Ohio voices discuss key issues facing Ohio higher education.
  4. Get affordable, hands-on training via a pre-conference workshop. Choose from: Creating Accessible MS Word, MS PowerPoint and PDF Documents; Second Life Bootcamp; Introduction to Multimedia Production for Classroom, Web-Based and Distance Instruction; Redesigning Courses Using the NCAT Approach, Integrating Quality Matters in the Course Development Process, and Social Networking for Dummies!
  5. View the innovative ways Ohio institutions are using technology for teaching and learning with exhibits on virtual worlds, podcasts, learning objects, lab experience at a distance, developing digital content and more at Innovation Island. (Monday, 4:30-5:30 p.m.)
  6. Learn more about Second Life, online professional development, the latest digital learning tools and other hot topics featured in 45 engaging sessions.
  7. Get great ideas from high school teachers on how to engage more students in STEM disciplines at the Preparing Students to Succeed in STEM Disciplines poster sessions (Monday). Both high school teachers looking for ideas, as well college and university administrators wanting tips on recruiting more STEM students, should attend. (special rate available for high school teachers and students)
  8. Engage with leading vendors. Speak frankly with leading higher education vendors and partners at the exhibits, vendor presentations and vendor reception.
  9. Unwind after a hard day of learning at our vendor reception from 4:30-5:30 p.m. on Monday. Then, enjoy the delights of Easton Town Center including great restaurants, a variety of shopping and entertainment.
  10. The learning doesn’t end March 4! Begin discussing, sharing and learning now and continue long after the conference ends with the ODCE Conference blog and wiki.

ODCE 2008 will be held March 2-4, 2008 in Columbus. View the preliminary program [PDF] and register for ODCE 2008 online. Register by February 7 to receive $50 off regular conference rates.

March 2th4th, 2008ODCE 2008Columbus Hilton at Easton Town Center in Columbus, Ohio

ODCE 2008 is the ninth annual Ohio Digital Commons for Education Conference - The Convergence of Learning, Libraries and Technology. The conference will feature submitted and invited presentations, technology demonstrations, pre-conference workshops and plenary presentations on the themes of Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century, Student Success, Moving Ohio Forward, and Transforming Technologies.

Add this event to your desktop calendar program.


p style="padding:0;margin:0;font-style:italic;">The text was modified to update a link from http://universitysystem.ohio.gov/ to https://www.ohiohighered.org/ on November 8th, 2012.