ODCE 2007: Preliminary Program, Online Registration Now Available

ODCE 2007: The Convergence of Learning, Libraries and Technology conference is set for March 4-6, 2007. You can view the preliminary program and pre-conference workshop descriptions as well as register online for ODCE 2007, Ohio's premier higher education conference.

This year's conference will feature five pre-conference workshops, more than 40 sessions, technology demonstrations at Innovation Island, keynote speakers and more, covering:

  • E Squared: Effectiveness and Efficiencies
  • STEM2: Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine
  • Who are the Learners? -- Serving New Audiences
  • WMP: Wireless, Mobile and Personal
  • Reinventing the Learning Environment: Walking the Walk
  • What's The Buzz? -- Vendor Presentations

Five pre-conference workshops will be offered on Sunday, March 4:

  • Demystifying Tech Apps for Busy Educators
  • Are Students Too Old to Hear a Story?
  • Laptops in the Classroom: Next Generation Learning Environments
  • Breaking the Barriers of Distance Learning for Healthcare Programs
  • Options in Electronic Bibliographic Management

Registration fees are $325 for the entire two-day conference or $200 for only one day. There is a reduced fee for students. Register by February 8 and receive $50 off regular registration fees. Pre-conference workshop fees are $100 each. The face-to-face meeting is supplemented by a conference blog, a conference wiki and a HitchHikr aggregation point.

ODCE 2007 is a project of the Ohio Digital Commons for Education, a partnership of the Ohio Learning Network, OhioLINK and the Ohio Supercomputer Center in concert with Ohio's public and private institutions for higher education.