Planning a digital preservation assessment using TRAC:CC and DRAMBORA
OhioLINK is engaged in building a "trusted digital repository" on behalf of its membership. As we build it, we want to have an understanding of what "trusted" means, and so we are engaging in an audit process to assess whether we can claim to be trustworthy. This process is panning …
Posted onand last updated May 23, 2007· 6 minutes reading time -
Survey on Digital Preservation Systems is Seeking Respondents
There are just a few days left to respond to the "International Digital Preservation Systems Survey" being run by Karim Boughida and Sally Hubbard from the Getty Research Institute. From the survey description:
This survey is intended to provide an overview of digital preservation system (DPS) implementation. DPS is defined …
Posted onand last updated March 28, 2007· 1 minutes reading time -
Services in a Service Oriented Architecture
This post is the second in a series about the application of the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) system design pattern to library services. The first post in this series focused on defining "Service Oriented Architecture" using the analogy of a transportation network. This post goes into some detail about what …
Posted onand last updated September 20, 2006· 10 minutes reading time