Google Custom Search's Planet Code4Lib as an OpenSearch Plugin
Earlier I mentioned creating a Google Custom Search for Planet Code4Lib. The Google-supplied markup puts a form on your web page that leads to Google's server farm. (Alternatively, you can create a custom URL that points to an HTML page at Google which contains the form.) Well, that's really neat …
Posted onand last updated October 25, 2006· 3 minutes reading time -
Google Custom Search for Planet Code4Lib
I wanted to mess around with Google's new Custom Search Engine feature and in casting about for a list of URLs to feed it I thought I'd try the list of blogs at Planet Code4Lib. As it turns out, this might be a modestly useful search if you remember reading …
Posted onand last updated October 25, 2006· 3 minutes reading time -
Google News Archive Search — Where Are the Links to Content from Libraries?
Extra! Extra! Read All About It! "Explore History as it Happened: Google News Now Has Archive Search" Extra! Extra!
In my imagination I can see and hear the herald of the newspaper carrier on the street corner barking out this call. Except, Kids These Days would probably decry the use …
Posted onand last updated September 07, 2006· 6 minutes reading time -
Can Google be Out-Googled?
I have been heard to remark to other librarians on occasion a comment along the lines of "Don't fear Google; Don't Chase Google; Let's Out-Google Google!" After allowing the confused stare linger for a moment or the hysterical laughter die down, I explain my thesis: we have something Google doesn't …
Posted onand last updated July 30, 2006· 8 minutes reading time -
Automated Faceted Analysis In Google?
Has anyone else started seeing what looks to be faceted topical headings at the top of Google searches? This past weekend I was the groomsman at my brother's wedding and had the unfortunate timing to catch a case of conjunctivitis in both eyes the day before the ceremony. ("Does your …
Posted onand last updated July 11, 2006· 1 minutes reading time