I may nod off several times in composing this post the day after election day.
Hopefully, in reading it, you won't.
It is a story about one corner of democracy.
It is a journal entry about how it felt to be a citizen doing what I could do to make …
This is an article draft that was accidentally published.
I hope to work on a final version soon.
If you really want to see it, I saved a copy on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
During the inaugural NISO Plus meeting at the end of February, I was surprised and proud to receive the Ann Marie Cunningham Service award.
Todd Carpenter, NISO’s executive director, let me know by tweet as I was not able to attend the conference.
Pictured in that tweet is my …
The cable-chewing device
The contractor in the neighbor's back yard with the Ditch Witch trencher burying a cable.
I was working outside at the patio table and just about to go into a Zoom meeting.
Then the internet dropped out.
Suddenly, and with a wrenching feeling …
Bringing remote presenters into a face-to-face conference is challenging and fraught with peril.
In this post, I describe a scheme using Zoom that had in-person attendees forgetting that the presenter was remote!
In early December 2019, a group of publishers announced Get-Full-Text-Research, or GetFTR for short.
There was a heck of a response on social media, and the response was—on the whole—not positive from my librarian-dominated corner of Twitter.
For my early take on GetFTR, see my December 3rd blog …
Eighteen years ago, on Friday, September 7th, 2001, I was honored to be asked to participate in a naturalization ceremony for 46 new citizens of the United States in a courtroom of Judge Alvin Thompson in Hartford, Connecticut.
I published those remarks on a website that has long since gone …
These are the presentation notes for the Ensuring System Interoperability presentation during the Readers and Ebooks: Making The Connection during the NISO/BISG Forum on Friday, June 21, 2019.
So I'm paying more attention to the DLTJ blog now, and one of the things I quickly noticed is that the Atom syndication feed was broken.
Or, at least modern web clients would refuse to retrieve the feed.
The problem turned out to be not with the feed file, but …
Well, we have reached the end of another arbitrary orbit around our small unregarded yellow sun1, and this primitive ape-descended life form2 is looking back on this blog's past twelve months. Not much to show for it -- this'll be just the third blog post this year.
These are the presentation notes for the Privacy in the Context of Content Platforms and Discovery Tools presentation during the NISO Information Freedom, Ethics, and Integrity virtual conference on Wednesday, April 18, 2018.
I'm in the Austin, Texas, airport -- having just left the closing session of the Re-Think It conference -- and I'm wondering what the heck is happening to my chosen profession. When did we turn into an exclusive member's only club with unrealistic demands on professionalism and a secret handshake?
I came across Jen Simmon's call for a #newwwyear by way of Eric Meyer:
Ok, here’s the deal. Tweet your personal website plan with the hashtag #newwwyear (thanks @jamiemchale!):
1) When will you start?
2) What will you try to accomplish?
3) When is your deadline?
Putting this here because I didn't see it mentioned elsewhere and it might be useful for others. Thinking about the history of the Islandora solution packs for different media types, the Basic Image Solution Pack was probably the first one written. Displaying a JPEG image, after all, is -- well -- pretty …
This has to be among the weirdest pieces of unsolicited mail I've ever received. Nigerian prince? That is so yesterday. Virtual pharmacy? Too much effort. No, what we want to sell you is a can opener!
Hi Sir/Madam,
Glad to hear that you're on the market for can opener …
Today I was privileged to present to the 6th International Congress of Technological Innovation, Innovatics 2016, organized by Duoc UC Libraries, Library of Santiago, and University of Chile Libraries. The conference was simultaneously translated in English and Spanish. To aid the translators, I wrote out the text of my presentation …