Thursday Threads: Thanksgiving Edition 2011 -- What I'm Thankful For
With Thursday Threads coming on a Thanksgiving Thursday, it seems appropriate to use a theme of what I'm thankful for. So, in this edition of DLTJ Thursday Threads I'm offering three things: open source software, the internet, and public libraries. Reading this on Thanksgiving? Feel free to offer what you …
Posted onand last updated November 24, 2011· 5 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Consumer E-book Commitment, University Press Shorts, Improv Everwhere
Two serious threads this week and one fun one. The first serious story is a look at the attitudes of e-book consumers from the Book Industry Study Group, including a finding that almost half of all e-book consumers would wait for an electronic edition up to three months after the …
Posted onand last updated November 17, 2011· 5 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Library Linked Data, Shifts in Publishing, Questions for Software Migrations, Hypothes.is Announcement
In this weeks thread of topics: the final report of library linked data, an interview with one of the executives of Wiley Publishing, important questions to ask when considering major system migrations, and the announcement of work to begin on a new comment and evaluation overlay layer for the web …
Posted onand last updated October 27, 2011· 6 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Infinite Virtual Bookshelf, Free Learning Management System, List of Cyber Threats
Part experimental, part disruption, and part heads-up in this week's edition of DLTJ Thursday Threads. The first story is a proof-of-concept demonstration of a way to browse an "infinite" bookshelf of virtual items. Next is the announcement of how a content producer (Pearson) is trying to disrupt a deeply embedded …
Posted onand last updated October 21, 2011· 4 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Disruptive Innovation and the Amazon Kindle Fire
Today's DLTJ Thursday Threads looks at the potential for the Amazon Kindle Fire to disrupt the tablet market as we know it now. First is a link to an eight minute video by Clayton Christensen in which he describes his theory of disruptive innovation. Then there is pointer to an …
Posted onand last updated October 07, 2011· 5 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Kindle Ebook Lending, Google Ngram Viewer, Collaborative Open Source Development
This week brought news of the Kindle-based e-book lending program through Overdrive, and Peter Brantley has an opinion piece on what this means for Amazon, publishers, and even libraries. From the other e-book powerhouse -- Google -- is a TED talk presentation about the Google Books ngram Viewer. Finally, there is a …
Posted onand last updated September 29, 2011· 3 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Authors Guild Sues Hathi Trust, Libraries Learn from Blockbuster, Publisher's View of Self-Publishing
Legal action against the digitization and limited distribution of orphan works unexpectedly hit the news again this week. This week's DLTJ Thursday Threads starts with an overview of the lawsuit filed by authors organizations and authors against Hathi Trust over plans to make digital versions of orphan works available to …
Posted onand last updated September 15, 2011· 6 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Structured Data on the Web, Ebook Indexes, Amazon Disintermediates Publishers
DLTJ Thursday Threads for two weeks in a row! I'm getting back in the groove. This week has pointers to geeky things (learning about structured data on the web) and not quite so geeky things (thoughts about indexes in ebooks and Amazon's tactics for end-to-end control of book publishing). Well …
Posted onand last updated September 08, 2011· 5 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Pro-Library Protest Song, How Google Improves it Search, Learning Programming Skills
After a longer than intended hiatus, DLTJ Thursday Threads is back.
Feel free to send this newsletter to others you think might be interested in the topics. If you are not already subscribed to DLTJ's Thursday Threads, visit the sign-up page. If you would like a more raw and immediate …
Posted onand last updated August 31, 2011· 3 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: History and How-To of Search, DPLA Update, Searching for Jim Gray
Ahhhh -- with the annual meeting of the American Library Association out of the way and two major holidays (Canada Day and U.S. Independence Day) behind us, the summer can now start. My formal vacation comes next month, and I haven't yet decided what to do with DLTJ Thursday Threads …
Posted onand last updated July 08, 2011· 5 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Google's Social Strategy, Big Data, Patriot Act outside U.S., Frightening Copyright Revisited
It might have been the week of the annual American Library Association meeting with all the news and announcements and programming that came from it -- as well as getting into the dog days of summer -- but interesting news at the intersection of technology and libraries did not take a pause …
Posted onand last updated June 30, 2011· 7 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Publisher/Librarian Rights, Cultural Commons, HTML5 Web Apps, Wifi Management
This week's list of threads starts with a pointer a statement by the International Coalition of Library Consortia on the growing pressure between publishers and libraries over the appropriate rights and permissions for scholarly material. In that same vein, Joe Lucia writes about his vision for libraries and the cultural …
Posted onand last updated June 23, 2011· 6 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: RDA Test Results, Author's Rights Denied, Future Copyright Scenario
This week we got the long-awaited report from the group testing RDA to see if its use would be approved for the major U.S. national libraries. And the answer? An unsatisfying, if predictable, maybe-but-not-yet. This week also brought new examples of the tensions between authors and publishers and libraries …
Posted onand last updated June 17, 2011· 5 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Machine-Meaningful Web Content and Successful IPv6 Test
Two threads this week: the first is an announcement from the major search engine on a way they agree to discover machine-processable information in web pages. The search engines want this so they can do a better job understanding the information web pages, but it stomps on the linked data …
Posted onand last updated June 09, 2011· 8 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Google Book Search summary, Bad Side of Filtering, Academics Editing Wikipedia
School is out and the summer heat has started, but there is no signs yet that the threads of technology change are slowing down. This week's threads include a healthy review of the Google Book Search lawsuit settlement, the downside of recommendation engines, and how academics are contributing to Wikipedia …
Posted onand last updated June 02, 2011· 5 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Beyond MARC, Library-controlled DRM, Spam Study
Threads this week without commentary. (It has been a long week that included only one flight of four that actually happened without a delay, cancellation, or redirection.) Big announcements are one from the Library of Congress to re-envision the way bibliographic information travels, one from Douglas County (Colorado) Library's experiment …
Posted onand last updated May 27, 2011· 3 minutes reading time -
Retro Thursday Threads: Ideas for Publishers, New Reading Experiences, Internet Operating System
I recently started reading content from a tablet device and in doing so re-encountered a list of web pages stashed in a Read It Later queue that are over a year old. Not only were these pages interesting enough to read a year ago, but in light of a year's …
Posted onand last updated May 19, 2011· 5 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Digital Legacies, Zettabytes of Information, Digital Books, Alternate Network Architectures
Mind-expanding topics this week. The threads start with a potentially morbid, but definitely intriguing, topic: what is to become of our personal digital legacies? If that isn't enough to blow your mind, the next topic is an accounting of the amount of information processed in 2008. Still hanging in there …
Posted onand last updated May 12, 2011· 7 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Cloud Computing and Data Centers -- Amazon, Facebook, and Google
This week's DLTJ Thursday Threads is about data centers -- those dark rooms with all of the blinking lights of computers doing our bidding. Data centers hit the mainstream news this week with the outage at one of Amazon's cloud computing clusters. And since computers and their associated peripherals consume a …
Posted onand last updated January 01, 2025· 4 minutes reading time -
Thursday Threads: Kindle Library Lending, Ebooks #1 in Sales, Recommendation Engines
I tried to stay away from ebooks again, in this edition of DLTJ Thursday Threads (I managed to do so last week), but the threads of announcements and conversations are too crucial to ignore. Just yesterday Amazon and OverDrive announced plans to lend library ebooks to Kindle users. The press …
Posted onand last updated April 21, 2011· 7 minutes reading time