Educational Patents, Open Access Journals, and Clashing Values
This posting has two goals -- first, to introduce DLTJ readers to the notion of "Educational Patents" or "edupatents" and provide an update on events of this week. Second, to frame the sometimes contentious interaction between academic institutions and supporting businesses as one of "clashing values." The former serves as a …
Posted onand last updated August 10, 2007· 6 minutes reading time -
Demonstrating the Mouse's Absurd Copyright Practices by Using the Mouse's Work
Professor Eric Faden of Bucknell University demonstrates principles of fair use to give an overview of U.S. copyright principles in A Fair(y) Use Tale -- a 10-minute video in five acts. Using clips from dozens of Disney films, Faden gives the historical perspective and underlying principles for copyright law …
Posted onand last updated May 21, 2007· 1 minutes reading time -
NDIIP Update: Requests for Funding and Other Activities
Activity still continues on the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIP). There were two stories in Washington DC newspapers in recent weeks. The more interesting of the two came from the May 16th Washington Post in a column by Jim Barksdale and Francine Berman called Saving our Digital …
Posted onand last updated May 17, 2007· 1 minutes reading time -
"How can I Avoid Library Fines?" -- Return Your Items!
A reader of DLTJ sent me a private comment this afternoon pointing me in the direction of a post on wisegeek with the title How can I Avoid Library Fines? This reply may never reach 246 Diggs (at the time of writing) ((I hope this post doesn't get that …
Posted onand last updated May 04, 2007· 1 minutes reading time -
Survey on Library Professional Perceptions
Jenny Emanuel, Electronic Services Librarian at University of Central Missouri, posted an invitation to complete a survey on how library professionals think of themselves to several mailing lists. As part of the ALA Emerging Leaders 2007 program, she is part of a team look for options on rebranding the librarian …
Posted onand last updated April 30, 2007· 1 minutes reading time -
NDIIP Funding Statement by the Librarian of Congress
Early last month I mentioned what was happening to NDIIP funds with the impending passage of what became Public Law 110-5 [PDF] and posted a copy of a letter I sent to my senators urging them to reconsider the funding rescission. Of course, I wasn't the only one who asked …
Posted onand last updated March 28, 2007· 1 minutes reading time -
"Draft Principles for Digitized Content" from the Digitization Policy Task Force of ALA's Office for Information Technology Policy
A note on the LITA-L mailing list from M. Claire Stewart (a member of the American Library Association Office of Information Technology Policy Task Force on Digitization Policy) announces the availability of the Draft Principles for Digitized Content in the form of a series of blog postings on the ALA …
Posted onand last updated March 15, 2007· 11 minutes reading time -
Petition for Public Access to Publicly Funded Research in the U.S.
As others have noted, there is now an online petition in support of public access to publicly funded research in the United States. The text of the petition is short:
We, the undersigned, believe that broad dissemination of research results is fundamental to the advancement of knowledge. For America’s …
Posted onand last updated March 15, 2007· 2 minutes reading time -
What are /you/ planning on doing when the Bird Flu hits?
This could easily go in the "Disruption in Libraries" category of DLTJ, but it is a disruption of a different sort. Are you making contingency plans to continue library services in the event a Bird Flu pandemic (or an event of similar sort) happens? A recent posting on the Sakai …
Posted onand last updated March 12, 2007· 1 minutes reading time -
Fair Use Versus the NFL with YouTube Caught in the Middle
Here is something to keep an eye on. Via the Chronicle of Higher Education, Wendy Seltzer, a visiting assistant professor at Brooklyn Law School and Fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School, is demonstrating the concept of fair use to her class by going head-to-head …
Posted onand last updated February 23, 2007· 1 minutes reading time -
To: Ohio's Senators; Re: Proposed cuts to the NDIIPP
Postal address omitted from online version
Februrary 11, 2007The Honorable George V. Voinovich
524 Hart Senate Office Building
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510Dear Senator:
I am writing to you in regards to House Joint Resolution 20, the Continuing Appropriations resolution FY2007, and in particular section 20703(D …
Posted onand last updated February 12, 2007· 1 minutes reading time -
U.S. House Votes to Rescind NDIIPP Funding; Bill Now Under Consideration by Senate
In a federal fiscal year that began without nine of the 11 appropriations bills passed, there is legislation pending in the Senate that would ax funding for the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program for the remainder of the fiscal year. Given the current political tone in Washington, one …
Posted onand last updated February 12, 2007· 4 minutes reading time