Refactoring DLTJ, Winter 2021 Part 3: "Serverless" Newsletter System
So it has been quiet here for a couple of days. Rest assured: the quietness comes from heads-down work, not from giving up. Here are the refactor-DLTJ activities so far:
Posted onand last updated January 06, 2022· 4 minutes reading time -
What is known about GetFTR at the end of 2019
In early December 2019, a group of publishers announced Get-Full-Text-Research, or GetFTR for short. There was a heck of a response on social media, and the response was—on the whole—not positive from my librarian-dominated corner of Twitter. For my early take on GetFTR, see my December 3rd blog …
Posted onand last updated April 03, 2021· 14 minutes reading time -
Publishers going-it-alone (for now?) with GetFTR
In early December 2019, a group of publishers announced Get-Full-Text-Research, or GetFTR for short. I read about this first in Roger Schonfeld's "Publishers Announce a Major New Service to Plug Leakage" piece in The Scholarly Kitchen via Jeff Pooley's Twitter thread and blog post. Details about how this works are …
Posted onand last updated April 03, 2021· 5 minutes reading time -
Memento: An RFC and a Chrome Plugin
A belated congratulations to the Memento team on the publication of their RFC and Google Chrome plugin for the Memento WWW time travel protocol. A fan of the Internet Archive Wayback Machine? Ever look at the history of a Wikipedia page? Curious to know about changes to a particular web …
Posted onand last updated March 10, 2014· 3 minutes reading time -
WorldCat May Become Available as Library Linked Data under ODC-BY
On the second day of the OCLC Global Council meeting [agenda PDF] there was a presentation by Robin Murray (VP, OCLC Global Product Management) and Jim Michalko (VP, OCLC Research Library Partnership) called "Linked Open Data". The title of the presentation was an understatement because the real heart of the …
Posted onand last updated April 18, 2012· 4 minutes reading time -
EBSCOhost Connection Records Found In-The-Wild
EBSCOhost Connect was announced in the spring of 2006 as near as I can recall. (I can't find the press release about it on the EBSCO website. As close as I can come to a date is from an announcement at the Oregon School Library Information System.) After three …
Posted onand last updated September 16, 2009· 3 minutes reading time -
Analysis of PubGet -- An Expedited Fulltext Service for Life Science Journal Articles
In June, a new service that speeds access to life sciences literature reached a milestone. Called PubGet, it is a service that reduces the number of clicks to the full text of an article, and the milestone was activating the 50th institution using its service. Using its own proprietary "pathing …
Posted onand last updated August 05, 2009· 6 minutes reading time -
Collocating Serial Formats Via "Linking ISSN"
Earlier this week I received an e-mail from the director of the ISSN International Center announcing a session at the ALA Annual Conference in Anaheim to talk about the "linking ISSN". Abbreviated ISSN-L, this is a new addition to the revised ISSN standard (ISO 3297, published last August) that allows …
Posted onand last updated June 06, 2008· 7 minutes reading time -
OAI-ORE Alpha Specifications Updated
As a result of discussions coming from the
OAI -ORE open meeting in Baltimore in the first week of March, the document editors released a new version of the ORE alpha specifications (labeled "0.3") earlier this month to coincide with the open meeting at Southampton, UK. In a message …Posted onand last updated April 16, 2008· 1 minutes reading time -
OAI-ORE Open Meeting, March 3 2008, Johns Hopkins University
Here is the press release describing the event:
Open Archives Initiative Announces Public Meeting on March 3, 2008 to Release Object Reuse and Exchange Specifications
Ithaca, NY and Los Alamos, NM, October 31, 2007 - On March 3, 2008 the Open Archives Initiative (OAI) will hold a public …
Posted onand last updated November 10, 2007· 3 minutes reading time -
"Using Access Data for Paper Recommendations"
Here is a pair of papers that I'd like a chance to digest at some point. The first is "Recommending Related Papers Based on Digital Library Access Records" by Stefan Pohl, Filip Radlinski, and Thorsten Joachims. According to the notes on the paper, it is to appear in proceedings of …
Posted onand last updated April 28, 2007· 1 minutes reading time -
Introducing the OAI Object Reuse and Exchange Initiative
In the past few months a new group has formed to tackle the problem of representing and exchanging complex digital objects in a web-based environment. I am proud to serve on the technical committee for this group and over the next few postings I'm aiming to introduce the library community …
Posted onand last updated February 13, 2007· 7 minutes reading time -
Electronic Resource Management Systems in Consortial Environments
This is a summary of the discussion of the LITA Library Consortia / Automated Systems Interest Group meeting on Monday morning of the ALA Annual Convention in New Orleans. The meeting consisted of a managed discussion of the use of Electronic Resource Management (ERM) systems in consortial environments. In some cases …
Posted onand last updated June 26, 2006· 5 minutes reading time -
"Identifiers Roundup" — LITA Standards Interest Group in conjunction with NISO
This is a report of the presentations from the LITA Standards Interest Group at the ALA Annual Conference, 24-Jul-2006, in New Orleans. Pat Stevens, interim director of NISO, moderated the panel discussion.
ISSN Regina Reynolds, Library of Congress (U.S. ISSN Center)
There are 80 ISSN centers worldwide with …
Posted onand last updated June 25, 2006· 8 minutes reading time -
Authentication and Access in a Metasearch Environment
Mike Teets of OCLC and I teamed up to write an article on Metasearch Authentication and Access Management for this month's D-Lib Magazine. The first part of the article is a bit of a primer on access management techniques followed by a survey and analysis of access management schemes in …
Posted onand last updated June 24, 2006· 1 minutes reading time -
Onto the Scholar's Desktop with Firefox Scholar
I first encounted Firefox Scholar (a.k.a. SmartFox) in a Chronicle of Higher Education article by Jeffrey Young, and noted with interest this statement in the article:
For the browser-based software to work fully, however, digital archives must format their books and articles in a way that lets it …
Posted onand last updated December 13, 2005 -
Introducing Geographic Scope to Physical Collections
So I don't know how this one slipped past me: you can link directly into Open WorldCat via an ISBN/ISSN REST-based URL.
Now any Web site can create "Find in a Library" links for specific titles. The syntax for link URLs is straightforward and keyed on common numeric identifiers …
Posted onand last updated December 13, 2005· 1 minutes reading time