Thursday Threads: Beyond MARC, Library-controlled DRM, Spam Study

Threads this week without commentary. (It has been a long week that included only one flight of four that actually happened without a delay, cancellation, or redirection.) Big announcements are one from the Library of Congress to re-envision the way bibliographic information travels, one from Douglas County (Colorado) Library's experiment with taking ownership of ebooks and applying its own digital rights management, and a study on the ecosystem of spam.

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Transforming our Bibliographic Framework: A Statement from the Library of Congress

Spontaneous comments from participants in the US RDA Test show that a broad cross-section of the community feels budgetary pressures but nevertheless considers it necessary to replace MARC 21 in order to reap the full benefit of new and emerging content standards. The Library now seeks to evaluate how its resources for the creation and exchange of metadata are currently being used and how they should be directed in an era of diminishing budgets and heightened expectations in the broader library community.

- Transforming our Bibliographic Framework: A Statement from the Library of Congress, Bibliographic Framework Transition Initiative

Also see John Mark Ockerbloom's Open data’s role in transforming our bibliographic framework for more details and links to other posts talking about the Bibliographic Framework Transition Initiative.

Douglas County Library to Distribute Ebooks with its own DRM

We are pleased to announce a partnership between the Colorado Independent Publishers Association (CIPA), and two Colorado libraries: Red Rocks Community College Library, and Douglas County Libraries.

Many members of CIPA have entered the world of digital publishing. By June of 2011, Red Rocks Community College Library and Douglas County Libraries will not only offer eBooks from CIPA’s authors for checkout through their library catalogs, but will also allow click-through purchases of these titles.

- New e-book partnership, Douglas County Libraries

There are more details on a post on the ALA Presidential Task Force on Equitable Access to Electronic Content blog along with an earlier post about that library's experiments with Adobe Content Server.

Study Says Spam Can Be Cut by Blocking Card Transactions

For years, a team of computer scientists at two University of California campuses has been looking deeply into the nature of spam, the billions of unwanted e-mail messages generated by networks of zombie computers controlled by the rogue programs called botnets. They even coined a term, “spamalytics,” to describe their work.

Now they have concluded an experiment that is not for the faint of heart: for three months they set out to receive all the spam they could (no quarantines or filters need apply), then systematically made purchases from the Web sites advertised in the messages.

- Study Says Spam Can Be Cut by Blocking Card Transactions, by John Markoff, New York Times


p style="padding:0;margin:0;font-style:italic;" class="removed_link">The text was modified to remove a link to on December 10th, 2012.