Same Cubicle, New Title, New Challenges

Here is a bit of personal news to report. Tom Sanville, OhioLINK's executive director, announced today that I am changing roles at OhioLINK. Here is what he said:

I'm pleased to announce that Peter Murray will assume the position of Assistant Director, New Service Development effective immediately. In light of the formation of 13 task forces to pursue investigation of our strategic priorities it is critical that we have a skilled OhioLINK staff member with primary responsibility to analyze, recommend, and coordinate plans for the introduction and use of new information technologies and services by OhioLINK and its member institutions. Through Peter's tracking and contact with information and library hardware, software, and database vendors, he will provide leadership and support to the OhioLINK staff, committees, task forces and other planning groups.

OhioLINK has been engaged in strategic planning over the course of the last year and beginning this month has formed a dozen task forces to begin implementing some of the elements of that plan. A swath of technology, from ordinary to cutting edge, cuts through many of them. My job will be to understand what the community is trying to accomplish, synthesize recommendations and draft plans from the best of what is out there, present that to the community, and aid in moving the vision forward. It is as exciting an opportunity as it is daunting.

I don't know, at the moment, what this means for the Jester's blog. It is possible there may be more posted here because the synthesized information would be of use to a larger community. It is possible that such synthesized information would appear instead in a more official OhioLINK forum. Time will tell, but if this blog appears to drop off the face of the blogosphere, you'll probably know why.