Vote for an ALA2013 Ignite Session on Open Source Communities

I've put in a proposal on the importance of communities in open source software for an "ignite" session at the ALA Annual meeting in Chicago, and I'd appreciate your vote to get the talk into the program. If you have experienced the power and benefit of open source software, you know that the community is just as important as the code. In a 5-minute presentation accompanied by 20 slides that advance automatically every 15 seconds, I'll be describing the many ways libraries can be a part of an open source community. Here is the brief description of the talk:

The open source method for developing software works best when everyone contributes a little bit to the process. Do you benefit from open source? Do you wish the open source you use was a little better? Don't know why the community nature of open source is important? Hear what you can do to make the world a better place by nudging your favorite open source project along a path to perfection.

To get on stage I need your help! Part of the process for determining who will present sessions during the ignite times is based on votes from the community. Please log into ALA Connect and vote for my session. (If you are not an ALA member and are interested in library activities this this one, you can create an account.)

Thanks for your help in advocating for open source software in libraries.